WP CLI is a command line tool for managing your WordPress installation.
#Web password wizard password
It will reset your password on every page load until you do so.
#Web password wizard code
Edit the file and add this code to it, right at the beginning, after the first
#Web password wizard download

If it doesn’t work, check that you’ve followed these instructions exactly. Test the new password on the login screen.Click the ‘Go’ button to the bottom right.PhpMyAdmin user_pass row with MD5 function and “rabbitseatcarrots” as the password Begin by logging into phpMyAdmin and clicking databases.WordPress is not responsible for loss of data. If you doubt your ability to use it, seek further advice. This article is for those who have phpMyAdmin access to their database. Note that even if the passwords are salted, meaning they look like $P$BLDJMdyBwegaCLE0GeDiGtC/mqXLzB0, you can still replace the password with an MD5 hash, and WordPress will let you log in. “UPDATE (name-of-table-you-found) SET user_pass = MD5(‘(new-password)’) WHERE ID = (id#-of-account-you-are-reseting-password-for) ” (actually changes the password).Note: if you have a recent version of MySQL (version 5.x?) you can have MySQL compute the MD5 hash for you. “SELECT ID, user_login, user_pass FROM (name-of-table-you-found) ” (confirm that it was changed).“UPDATE (name-of-table-you-found) SET user_pass=”(MD5-string-you-made)” WHERE ID = (id#-of-account-you-are-reseting-password-for) ” (actually changes the password).“SELECT ID, user_login, user_pass FROM (name-of-table-you-found) ” (this gives you an idea of what’s going on inside).“show tables ” (you’re looking for a table name with “users” at the end).“use (name-of-database)” (select WordPress database).wp.txt (If you want the MD5 hash copied to the clipboard.) wp.txt (If you want the MD5 hash printed out.) Create a file called wp.txt, containing nothing but the new password.Once you get your new password, login to your profile page and change this password to something you can remember.Wait happily as your new password is emailed to you.

Enter your username or the email address on file for that account.

If you know your username or the email account in your profile, you can use the “lost password” feature of WordPress. Your new password becomes active immediately. The strength box will show you how good (strong) your password is.