Cranial nerve palsies may occur causing opthalmoplegia or facial paralysis similar to Bell’s Palsy. It can cause ataxia and an ascending flaccid paralysis that resembles Guillain-Barre syndrome. The Australian paralysis tick injects neurotoxins (holocyclotoxins) when it bites. The longer the tick has been attached to the host increases the risk of systemic illness. Systemic reactions have occurred causing anaphylaxis and death. Antihistamine can provide symptomatic relief for swelling and itch. They may cause local erythema and swelling directly from tick saliva an urticarial rash or “scrub itch” from nymph infestation. Local reactions are the most common sequelae of tick bite and resolve without treatment. with dimethylether (Wart-off) or aerosol insect repellent containing pyrethrin or a pyrethroid) may reduce the risk of systemic reactions and anaphylaxis. There is evidence that killing ticks in situ (eg. Avoid squeezing or pulling the tick by the abdomen, increasing the risk of injecting more toxin or breaking the tick and leaving remnants of the head or mouth in the host’s skin. Remove ticks carefully with fine-tipped forceps by gripping the tick at is mouthpiece and pulling it straight out of the host’s skin. They usually bite in moist or vascular sites - the scalp or flexor areas. They can walk on the body for 2 - 4 hours before attaching so clothing should be washed in hot water and preferably dried in a dryer to kill any remaining ticks in clothing. Bites are initially painless and normally go unnoticed until the tick has become engorged 2 or more days after attaching. If working or walking around tick habitats, use insect repellent containing DEET or Picaridin to prevent bites. Table: Australian tick species which transmit bacterial infections australisįlinders Island spotted fever due to R. Ticks causing bacterial infections in Australia There is no evidence that Australian ticks transmit viral illnesses as they do in other parts of the world. The burden of tick-related illness is difficult to quantify as only Q-fever is notifiable. Three types of ticks in Australia are known to transmit bacterial infection (see table below). Ticks may cause many types of reactions, including local and systemic infections, allergy, paralysis, autoimmune disease, post-infection fatigue and Australian multisystem disorder.