Isles of the Shackles: Isles of the Shackles provides a comprehensive overview of the verdant islands that make up this region, complete with buried treasure, dastardly corsairs, and ominous ruins of a fallen empire.Pirates of the Inner Sea: While this book focuses on pirates across the Inner Sea region, it also contains information on the Shackles and provides a host of new options for pirate PCs, including regional traits, new pirate archetypes, pirate weapons and gear, new spells, and the Inner Sea Pirate prestige class.Inner Sea World Guide: This supplement includes more information about the continents of Avistan and Garund, including summaries of the player character races native to Golarion, including more than a dozen distinct human ethnicities, cultural information and Pathfinder RPG rules covering the 20 core deities of the Inner Sea, an overview of the Inner Sea’s history, and tons of new options for player characters, including Inner Sea-themed prestige classes, feats, spells, adventuring gear, and magic items.Inner Sea Primer: Although not specifically about the Shackles, this crash course on the continents of Avistan and Garund provides regional traits and background suggestions for PCs from over 40 nations, any of which make a great home for characters beginning the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path.Players interested in further immersing themselves in the world of Golarion and adding campaign-specific details relevant to the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path to their PCs’ background may wish to investigate the following Pathfinder campaign setting books. The Wizard of the Coast 3rd edition revised supplements can be used with only minor alterations. Additional Pathfinder RPG supplements from Paizo, Kobold Press, Legendary Games, and Dreamscarred Press is acceptable in this campaign. The Skull and Shackles Campaign uses the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.
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The nations of the Inner Sea would like nothing more than to end the pirate menace once and for all, but the eternal hurricane known as the Eye of Abendego has thus far shielded the Free Captains of the Shackles from the threat of retaliation. Under the banner of their Hurricane King, these buccaneers sally forth from that archipelago of lawless pirate ports and anchorages known as the Shackles, plundering the shipping of countless countries and trade consortiums, then vanishing back into the maze of islands and reefs they call home. The shipping lanes of Golarion’s seas and oceans are filled with fat merchant vessels laden with trade goods both mundane and exotic, as well as the pirates and freebooters who prey on them.